Olav's Wood: Winter pictures

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Wildlife in the woods






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Olav's Wood in winter

Here are photographs of Olav's Wood taken during the snows of December 2010. The full-size images are available by clicking on the image.

The beauty of ice

Ice formations by Oback burn. More ice formations by the burn.
Hoar frost in the woodland. More hoar frost in the woodland.

The woodland in winter

A woodland glade on a sunny winter's day. Oback burn in spate.
Olav's wood from a distance: looking towards Windwick. Alder (Alnus glutinosa) catkins and female flowers in the snow.

Oback burn: travelling downstream from west to east

The surrounding area

Fire and ice: Looking across Scapa Flow from South Ronaldsay
to the oil terminal on Flotta.
Scapa Flow and the South from South Ronaldsay.
The island in the middle distance is Swona.
Windwick. A seastack and, in the distance,
the island of Copinsay.
Geese over South Ronaldsay. Geese are both
resident and arrive as winter visitors in large numbers.